Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hello World!


I've finally decided that a blog is something I want to keep up with. So I'm going to do a real, honest-to-goodness introduction to myself.


My name is Libby Kamen. I'm currently a senior at Clarkson University studying Communications & Media. My passions are FIRST Robotics, photography, figure skating, and a whole host of other wonderfully nerdy things like reading and video games.

So why start this blog? Because I'm starting a new chapter of my life in the coming months and I want to have something as a chronicle of these exciting, crazy, mile-a-minute times that I'm living right now.

My hope is to post at least twice a week, on... whatever it strikes me to write about!

Some things in my life right now, that you'll probably be hearing about as this project goes along:

These are my parents. They're awesome. 
My mom is my biggest fan and supporter. We always love each other - even if we don't always like each other. (That's what she used to say to me when I was little.) And that's okay. She's a speech pathologist who works on rehabilitating people with all different sorts of needs. To my friends, she's Dr. Mom! My dad just passed away this past September. He was a brilliant pediatric oncologist, researcher, scientist, awesome dad, caring husband and overall just the best person. He's my superhero. I still talk to him every day.

Cooper and Hobbes.
These two little guys are how I became a crazy dog lady. We had a golden retriever when I was a kid, and I loved her, but Hobbes and Coop are like children to me. Hobbes lives with my mom, and Cooper lives with me at college. They're really good buddies though, and when I come home they're both pretty happy. I love my puppies! Expect a zillion too many pictures of them on this blog.

And last, but not least, Robots.
That's right, ROBOTS! I've been involved in FIRST Robotics for literally my entire life. I love robots, I love mentoring, I love the competition... it's just a huge part of my life that I will probably never give up. But that merits quite a few posts on its own. (I also blog for Clarkson University's FIRST Robotics SPEED Teams over here)

Anyway. That's just a little bit (or a lot) about me, and I hope you'll stick around to see what's to come!

- Libby

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